Second Life Community - All Activity
SL Land Auctions: Highlights!
Baranow (16,8) Moderate 512m Great spot for a boat slip or a small build, halfwayish between Bellisseria & Blake Sea. Ends in 9h from now. -
Why the decision to increase land impact limits for Linden homes but not for mainland?
They acknowledged the question by answering it, which means they did not deflect it. The answer was probably phrased to be "clear" by saying "at this time"; while this is a clear "no, for now" - that does not "shut down discussion" unless that's how you perceive it. It's not like they literally said, "no, stop asking, drop it" but some are taking it that way because they didn't like the answer. -
Oh my Gawd! - Totally unOfficial Pet Peeve Thread.
Ahah! This explains why some are so against a "kill switch" in Scripts in Second Life! -
Oh my Gawd! - Totally unOfficial Pet Peeve Thread.
Peeve: My TV won’t turn on 🤬 Edit: Just checked my CCTV, turns out I hadn’t paid the BBC license fees, so they dispatched a SWAT team at night to come and disable it. -
How does your avatar look today ?
Thank you! ❤️ I'm glad it was recognizable!