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  1. Just to double down on this. Do not buy an Intel 13th/14th gen right now. There is a great chance that you will regret it. I had been recommending Intel until the current disaster unfolded. My 13900KS died after around a year. My very first CPU that has died. Ever. I'm now running the replacement and, as sad as it is, I'm only waiting for this one to also die. Those CPUs are rapidly degrading. And there is no fix. Intel claims that they may fix "something" in August, but it isn't clear at all how much it will actually fix. Also it won't repair CPUs that already have started degrading. This one is the latest article on the topic: Intel claims that notebook CPUs aren't affected. But I wouldn't trust them. There may already be reports pointing in another direction. The fact that Intel hasn't already announced a warranty extension to calm people down is a disgrace. Every company can make mistakes, but you need to own them and act accordingly. My trust in Intel is getting flushed down the toilet.
  2. Pretty dumb...well, I'd use different words for it. Malicious and underhanded.
  3. This is about 80% true. It's possible to influence things a little. The combat features upgrades were user-initiated, for example.
  4. In Premier Wrestling we are hiring new talent for our upcoming seasons and events! We are looking for motivated rookies that will apply knowledge of business practices. Throughout the applying process you will receive an introduction course to take to be passed on to our training department. Once you pass training you will get paid. Sign now: We treat Premier Wrestling like a real-life business. Here, you can develop valuable Second Life skills that easily transfer to the real world, such as project management, leadership, graphic design, coding, videography, creative writing, and public speaking, among many others. We care about your mental state and personal growth. From building self-confidence to refining your charisma, debating skills, and assertiveness, we have a dedicated talent relations team created to make your time at Premier Wrestling fun and exciting. Join our discord server: We use discord for upcoming classes, coordinating and directing the shows. ATTITUDE SHOW ARE MONDAYS 1:0PM PDT (SL TIME) pre-meeting at 12:00 on discord. OVERLOAD SHOW ARE THURSDAYS/ or a Friday 1:00 PM PDT (SL TIME) pre-meeting at 12:00 on discord. Premier Wrestling performs many shows across the grid, the unplugged house shows. These shows across the week and weekendare optional, always with pre-meeting and show time at 1:00 or 2:00PM when possible. Visit us inworld: Check out what we do: Join us today: Training & Thunderbolts:
  5. 6,323 minutes? 105 hours? Is that walking, or in a vehicle? What vehicles are you using? Is this using a wearable vehicle?