

Second Life Community - All Activity
  1. Oh, and I forgot, the landing point also is not reset.
  2. Yes true, but not LL... accept or "**** off, cant even get any money back if you wished after declining, selling your lindens.....because also the accountpage would be blocked.
  3. Reputable companies give all their subscribers a week or even longer notification of an upcoming ToS or Privacy Policy change before they actually present the Accept or Decline page. They don't try to hide the changes in a 10 page document that doesn't highlight the areas that have been changed.
  4. Yes. The parcel environment tab does not get reset, which I'm sure results in some newbies abandoning parcels because everything is dark or purple or something. I don't think the media tab is completely reset, either. I always check them both and return them to default. Also, the parcel photo is not reset. Note that "avsitter" (I believe it's Code Violet's version) now defaults to being present on all parcels. I, too, have picked up a few neat streams from hopping.
  5. How did "Sux-Ra-Guy" Prototype turn into just plain old "Sux"? Easy. LL SUCK at designing and making avatars, and when they admit this and subcontract, they always subcontract to the wrong people. Every mesh "human" avatar they have ever released was a mutant nobody wants to wear.